
Blessed Be!
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Christmas, Year C January 3, 2016 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and […]

Hidden in Plain Sight
Second Sunday of Christmas Year B Lectionary Reflection
January 4, 2015
We look for God in all kinds of places when the Divine Presence is all around us all of the time–hidden in plain sight, often inside the carefully preserved and treasured edifices in which God’s people gather for worship, even more often in the poor, the lonely, the imprisoned, the widowed and orphaned, and the hungry among us. (Photo: Victor Ramos, Creative Commons)

Light, Action, Incarnation
Second Sunday of Christmas Yr. A, January 5, 2014
What do the first chapter of John’s gospel and movie lights have in common? Read on to find out, and keep reading to discover ideas for how to use this week’s readings in worship and with youth and children. Blessings on your preaching and teaching in 2014! (Photo: shospace, Creative Commons)

2011: The Year of Satisfaction?
It’s time to stop bewailing what what we lack and start giving thanks for God’s abundance. Why not make 2011 “A Year of Satisfaction” for yourself and for your congregation? Instead of focusing on resolutions concentrate of being satisfied and sharing. (Photo by vectorportal used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)