
SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day One

‘Just Living Blog’
It’s day one of the SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge, and our SOLI blogger Sharron is ready! Why don’t you join her for the journey?

SNAP to It: The June Food Stamp Challenge

‘Just Living’ Blog
Do you relish a challenge? Do you consider poverty an issue of justice? If so, consider joining Sharron and others around the country for the June Food Stamp Challenge. Just how low can you go with your food budget?

What to do with more time than money? Help yourself to good health!

‘Just Living’ Blog

The way to good health is often simpler than we like to think. Read on for tips and ideas that are inexpensive and accessible for almost everyone.

What to do with more time than money? Cultivate Relationships

‘Just Living’ Blog
Like gardens, relationships bloom when well-tended. When you have the gift of more time than money, be sure you put that time to good use cultivating valued relationships with family, friends, and community.

Taking Stock: Your Faith Life?


When you have more time than money, take stock of your faith life. If you find a disconnect that’s as dingy as gray laundry, try incorporating prayer, study of scripture, and community into your regular routine. Read on for the details.

What to do with More Time than Money — Rest

In the last entry I talked about the gift of having more time than money and the countercultural reality of this state of being, at least for the Baby Boomer generation. Many of us were indoctrinated with a mindset that our worth is somehow tied up the size of our paycheck, the title we hold, […]

Happy Not-So-New Year!

Just Living: December 29, 2008
Last January, I embarked upon an experiment: 365 days without buying anything new, except for food, services, and certain items of clothing and personal care. I called it my year of “making do.”