You Get What You Pay For – Sometimes More!
Your first idea for replacing a washer and dryer may be that high-end appliance store. But that’s only the first step on a journey to making purchase with economy, simplicity and justice, as SOLI editor and columnist Sharron R. Lucas found out.
Why Stuff Sticks Around
Having pared down all of her family belongings to what would fit in two compact sedans and a couple boxes, SOLI editor and columnist Sharron R. Lucas has a pretty good idea why it’s hard to get rid of “stuff” in our lives. She shares her observations, which are spot-on.
Happy Not-So-New Year!
Just Living: December 29, 2008
Last January, I embarked upon an experiment: 365 days without buying anything new, except for food, services, and certain items of clothing and personal care. I called it my year of “making do.â€
Stewardship Notes from the Road
Just Living: May 5, 2008
Going on vacation doesn’t mean you leave stewardship issues at home. If anything, vacation time means facing even more decisions about use of one’s resources and care of God’s good creation.