
Go! Make Disciples.

Lectionary Reflection for Holy Trinity Sunday, Year A, June 15, 2014
Instead of pondering the essence of the Trinity this Sunday, why not celebrate Jesus’ call for us to live out the full expression of God’s mercy, grace, and love in the practice of making disciples? It’s a tall order, but we are not called to go it alone. We do it together, and we do it with God. (Photo: Frank Ates)

Seeing Red: Word, Wind, and Fire

Lectionary Reflection for the Day of Pentecost, Year A June 8, 2014 When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1-2 Go ahead! […]

Wrapped in Prayer

Seventh Sunday of Easter Year A, June 1, 2014
As we leave Easter for the long, green season of ordinary time, may we never forget that relationship with God is anything but ordinary. May we also never forget that prayer is powerful and in it we enter into conversation with our Lord, into the very presence of the Divine. (Photo: Bill McChesney, Creative Commons)

Stewards of the Promise (Part Three)

Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year A, May 25, 2014
We are, to be sure, imperfect stewards of these amazing promises. Yet somehow, we are assured that this is enough, and in our striving to love and know God we find our lives overflowing with divine goodness and abundance. (Photo: Marcelino Repayla, Jr., Creative Commons)

Stewards of the Promise (Part Two)

To be a steward of Jesus’ bold promise in this week’s reading implies that we will fully invest ourselves in passing on the faith, in sharing the story, and in continuing the work of Christ. In doing so we align our wills to Christ’s will, and as his body visible today we boldly carry his message to the world. (Photo by Charles Clegg, used by Creative Commons license)

Stewards of the Promise (Part One)

Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A
May 11, 2014
Yes, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but why not use this Sunday to begin a three-part series on stewardship? We are called to steward the promises of God, yet too often our stewardship focuses too much on money and not enough on our role as active participants in ushering in God’s reign and the life abundant. (Photo: fady habib, Creative Commons)

Rearview Mirror Evangelism

Third Sunday of Easter Lectionary Reflection, Year A, May 4, 2014
Sometimes the obvious is experienced right under our noses yet understood by looking backwards–a sort of rearview mirror experience. Our faith journey is filled with such moments, making evangelism something understood in reverse yet shared forward. (Photo: adogcalledstray, Creative Commons)

Life in His Name

Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter, Year A
April 27, 2014
Instead of looking at this snapshot from John’s gospel as merely Thomas’ story of encountering the risen Christ, maybe we need to explore it from our Lord’s perspective of relationship, of reaching out and clothing us in his love and with his own name and identity. (Photo: Mark Morgan, Creative Commons)

It’s About Time—Sort Of

Lectionary Reflection for the Resurrection of our Lord, Year A, April 20, 2014
Jesus’ simple instructions to the women provide clear direction for us today. There’s no time like this present festival day to go and tell the good news. (Photo: dmitry b., Creative Commons)

Like a Broken Vessel

Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A
April 13, 2014
Along with suggestions for your Palm/Passion Sunday worship and ideas for youth and children, we bring a special message for all of you who serve and lead God’s people in worship. Thank you for all you do! (Photo: Ian Stannard, Creative Commons)