
Choose Life and Carry On

Lectionary Reflection for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, September 4, 2016
Mama said there’d be days like this. But weeks, or months, or even years and decades? So it goes with life and discipleship. The truth of the matter is that neither life nor discipleship is a guaranteed picnic, cakewalk, or pie-in-the-sky supper club. So take divine advice: choose life and carry on. (Photo: Akuppa John Wigham, Creative Commons)

To Be Continued…

Lectionary Reflection for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 28, 2016
This week’s lessons provide several lovely opportunities to explore continued growth and development as members of the Body of Christ, that beloved community chock full of sinners and saints known as the church. Dig back into discipleship and faith formation with these themes and instructions. (Photo: Maarten Takens, Creative Commons)

Controlled Burns & Faithful Forecasting

Lectionary Reflection for the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 14, 2016
Fire has the power to destroy and the power to foster regeneration and new growth. What if we consider Jesus’ fire imagery this week as being that of a controlled burn, a deliberate fire kindled for the purpose of regeneration and new growth? (Photo: US FIsh & Wildlife Service, Creative Commons)

Strangers and Foreigners

Lectionary Reflection for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 7, 2016
Everything in this world is transitory, a part of a larger whole, a dot on the map of eternity, but happy are those who put their faith in God, who are ready to pack their tents and journey on to the final destination God prepares. (Photo: Ben Christenson, Creative Commons)

Vanity, Thy Name is Mortal

Lectionary Reflection for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, July 31, 2016
Let’s challenge one another to take up a countercultural course of action and drop the vanity that costs us so much and yields so very little. Let us seek our wealth in faith, in relationship, and in service to God and one another. In doing so, we will indeed have enough—and then some. (Photo: daily sunny, Creative Commons)


Lectionary Reflection for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, July 24, 2016
Dear friends, it’s time we get really bold in our conversations with God, time that we prayed like we believed it, time that we expect God to respond. The world needs the church to show up and start with bold prayer followed by faithful action. (Photo: lel4nd, Creative Commons)

Dwelling in Christ

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, July 17, 2016
Like Mary, Martha’s culture-bending sister, we must choose the better part. We must choose to live in the moment, cast our hopes and fears and hurts on Jesus and trust him to guide us home to dwell in the house of God forever. (Photo: lululemon athletica, Creative Commons)

Faithful & Fruitful Folk

Lectionary Reflection for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, July 10
It is in this God-given, God-near faithfulness that we learn to be fruitful and are equipped to tend the vineyards and orchards of God’s good creation. By chewing on the Divine word and letting it shape our hearts for justice, mercy, and love, we do the works God calls us to, and we become neighbors. (Photo: d-olwen-dee, Creative Commons)

Interdependence Day

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, July 3, 2016
Even though our national holidays are certainly worth celebrating and the abundance and bounty of this land worth giving thanks for, we must never forget that celebrating our interdependence in Christ is far more important. (Photo: jqpubliq, Creative Commons)

Freed to be Free—Really Free

Lectionary Reflection for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, June 26, 2016
Perhaps being good stewards of love is what we need in these tumultuous times. We would do well to cultivate those Spirit fruits in hopes of providing an alternative voice and way in the midst of the rancor of this current election cycle. By serving one another, we serve God. (Photo: Mervi Eskelinen, Creative Commons)