
Stewards of Joy

Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year C, December 13, 2015
This third Sunday of Advent brings us to the turning point, reminding us to remember from whence our help comes, to turn from that which separates us from God, and feast on a heaping helping of hope and joy. (Photo: Dmitry Kichenko, Creative Commons)

A Matter of Distribution

Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent, Year C, December 6, 2015
As stewards of God’s abundance we can choose to do a “new” thing, or at least a different thing during the season of Advent. What if we looked at the road ahead, the days that stand between us and Christmas, as a time to let go of something, to share something, to live more simply, to choose to do less and live more? (Photo: BrunoBrunan, Creative Commons)

Stewardship in Advent Series: Give Thanks

First Sunday of Advent, Year C, November 29, 2015
This year enter Advent with prayer and thanksgiving. Focus on building relationships rather than credit card debt. Do random acts of kindness and generosity rather than stressing over the perfect Christmas. You’ll be glad you did! (Photo: Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ, Creative Commons)

Not From Around These Parts

Lectionary Reflection for Christ the King Sunday, Year B
November 22, 2015
We Christians should be perceived as odd folk. Our Lord surely stood out as different. And we know the truth he proclaimed. Therefore, we should claim our identity as odd folk from a different reality. After all, we’re not from around these parts. (Photo: Alias 0591, Creative Commons)

Hold Fast! Keep the Faith.

Lectionary Reflection for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, November 15, 2015
This week’s lessons encourage us to remember that our great stone edifices and proud prairie worship houses—all lovingly constructed to the glory of God and for the sake of community—will not stand forever. Yet, our Lord tell us to not be alarmed. We are to hold fast and keep the faith. (Photo: Guillermo Viciano, Creative Commons)

The Finest of Feasts

All Saints Sunday, Year B, November 1, 2015
Come to the feast, child of God. Feast on bread and wine. Feast on the knowledge that Jesus Christ has overcome death, has risen from the dead, and calls us all to resurrection both now and in eternity. (Photo: Randy OHC, Creative Commons)

Oh, the Options!

22nd Sunday after Pentecost & Reformation Sunday, October 25, 2015
The Good News of Jesus Christ is timeless and unchanging, but it aims to be presented in fresh, new ways that speak to every age and context. We can take a cue from Martin Luther and the other 16th century reformers and make good use of the tools available to us, especially this Sunday when we have some very good choices for lessons and celebrations. (Photo: Daniel Oines, Creative Commons)

Be Careful What You Ask For

Lectionary Reflection for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B
September 27, 2015
Do you occasionally pine for “the good old days”? Do you hear folks in the parish lament about the way things used to be? Moses heard the same thing. Thankfully, God is still up to new things in, with, through, and even in spite of us. What if we turned our “Oh, if only…” into “With God only”? (Photo: wsilver, Creative Commons)

  • September 21
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Missing the Point

Lectionary Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B September 20, 2015 But they did not understand what he was saying and were afraid to ask him. Mark 9:32 Have you ever labored long and hard to make an important point and then been completely misunderstood by your intended audience? If you have, you […]

  • September 17
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A Case of ‘Teacher’s Tongue’

16th Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year B, September 13, 2015
God has given us voices to be used in service of the good news of Jesus. One question this week’s lessons may invite is how are we using our “teacher’s tongue” to make a difference? A lot of words fill the air all around us, and not all of them are nice. Yes, a lot of responsibility comes with being given the “tongue of a teacher.” (Photo: Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Creative Commons)

  • September 10
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