
What We can Learn from Refugees
Canon Trevor Stubbs, who teaches at a college in South Sudan, shares four things we can learn from refugees about stewardship and generosity. (Photo: European Commission, Creative Commons)

Is Leisure Essential to Life and Spirit?
In this study of the necessity of leisure, cultural curator Maria Popova calls us all to rethink our ideas about work and play and rest. While the article does not address Sabbath, the connections are clear. Stewardship of our selves and our time are essential to a well-balanced life and vigorous spirituality. (Photo: Andres N […]

Better Stewardship of Health Still Needed in U.S.
A recent study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington found that Americans have made some progress in being better stewards of their health, but there is still much improvement needed. How can your faith community work for better health and stewardship of self? (Photo: Burger Austin, Creative […]

Vacation? Turn Off Tech. Turn On Life.
Did you check your work email while on vacation? Chances are you did. This article examines our addiction to technology and the need for a break. Read Lloyd Alter’s article and then consider how you might enjoy a digital Sabbath. (Photo: Mike Prosser, Creative Commons)

Is Busyness is Killing Us?
Being “crazy busy” all the time runs counter to God’s command for Sabbath rest and renewal, and a frequent lament is  that busyness is ruining the quality of life. Here’s an article that addresses the need to question a “crazy busy” lifestyle. While faith is not addressed, we think you’ll make the connections. How might […]

17 Practical Ways to Embrace Stewardship
Have you read Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si? If so, great! Consider these 17 practical ideas for better stewardship. If not, put Lauato Si at the top of your reading list and get a head start with these tips from writer Constance T. Hull. (Photo: IFPL, Creative Commons License)

Church Giving in a Digital World
Be sure to read this article by Matt Morris. Online giving goes hand-in-hand with your worshiping community’s digital presence–something many folks feel is no longer an option. (Photo: © momius –

Jesus and the Stewardship of Self
Narrative Lectionary Reflection (Year One) for February 8, 2015
This week’s gospel lesson gives us stewardship models straight from our Lord. To serve others well and to appreciate and share God’s abundance, we must also take care of ourselves. This is, of course, easier said than done. (Photo: Jonathan Fox, Creative Commons)

Vocational Stewardship
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Year B, February 8, 2015
How we approach our work, our sense of wholeness and balance, and our mission to love God and serve neighbor in all that we do is part of stewardship. It’s worth considering. It’s important to talk about. And it’s key to one’s discipleship journey and the life of faith. This week’s gospel provides one such opportunity to do so. (Photo: FaceMePLS, Creative Commons)

Live More with Less in 2015
An ever increasing number of people are choosing to live with fewer possessions and as a result are experiencing a better quality of life. Read about the new minimalists, gather some ideas, and use what fits your context to be a better steward of all of God’s creation in 2015. (Photo: storebukkebruse, Creative Commons)