
Host a Cool Climate Potluck in your Congregation
Here’s a wonderful toolkit from Interfaith Power and Light designed to help you start or continue a conversation about healthy food choices, environmental stewardship, and climate. The kit provides all you need to host your own event. (Photo: gina pina, Creative Commons)

Commanded to be Stewards
Narrative Lectionary Year One Reflection for October 5, 2014
What fresh things can we say about the Ten Commandments? Since right relationship is at the core, how about a stewardship emphasis? It’s also close to the commemoration of St. Francis, so that also assists the stewardship theme. (Photo: Joel Kramer, Creative Commons)

Grapes of Wrath and Grace
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, October 5, 2014
The parable of the vineyard is tough sledding, but even this story has stewardship implications. Read on for sermon notes, worship ideas, and time with children and youth. (Photo: DeusXFlorida, Creative Commons. Thanks!)

Stewardship is a Self-Less Thing
16th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Lectionary Reflection
Sept. 28, 2014
This week’s epistle lesson offers a wonderful opportunity to begin a conversation about stewardship without mentioning money, much less asking for any. What are you waiting for? Start the conversation! (Photo: Ricardo Camacho, Creative Commons)

Spin Doctors or Cross Bearers?
12th Sunday after Pentecost Year A, August 31, 2014
We are called into a way of life that runs counter to everything the world tells us is worth having and doing and being. We are invited into community, splashed with water and word, filled with Spirit breath, and gifted to give and give and give some more. And that life is good–very, very good. (Photo by Leland Francisco, used by Creative Commons license)

How to Prevent an Identity Crisis
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year A, August 24, 2014
Want to know how to prevent an identity crisis? Take a cue from Peter in this week’s gospel lesson. This lesson applies to 21st century followers of Jesus, too! (Photo: David Goehring, Creative Commons)

Seminary Garden Feeds Body, Mind, & Spirit
Asbury Theological Seminary’s community garden is doing much more than feeding students. It’s become an important educational tool that includes a prayer garden, fire pit, preaching amphitheater, and nature path. (Photo:

An App to Share Leftovers?
Want to be an even better steward of those church potlucks and coffee hours where there’s way too much food? There’s an app for that. Now you can use your mobile device to help prevent waste and reduce hunger in your community. (Photo: Ginny, Creative Commons)