
The Messy Work of Neighboring
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C
July 14, 2013
Loving your neighbor can be messy business, but it’s what Jesus calls us to do. How will you send the community out to “go and do likewise”? (Photo: Frame It Photography)

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C, June 30,2013
How often do we take a ministry or mission project or initiative through committee and council, only to have it stalled or tabled for further discussion? How often have you heard the words “We tried that 10 years ago, and it didn’t work then.†The world needs good news, and it needs it now! This week challenge one another to put aside any “buts” and get moving in mission and ministry. (Photo: bertknot, Creative Commons )

Many are the Demons
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Reflection, June 23, 2013
What similarities do we share with the demoniac of this week’s gospel lesson? How are we like the citizens of that town? Do we ever resist healing? Read on for more thoughts about this week’s lessons. (Photo: Nina Matthews Photography, Creative Commons)

Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, June 2, 2013
We can learn a lot from Jesus’ encounter with the Roman centurion. Yes, this is a story about healing, but it is also a stewardship opportunity. We are sufficient in Christ, and in the Body of Christ we live lives of abundant sufficiency. Read on for ideas for preaching, worship, and time with children and youth. (Photo: © 2jenn –

Teaching Children to be Generous
Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal that offers good tips for parents in any income bracket who want help their children become generous stewards of time, talent, and resources. (Photo: © Jaren Wicklund –

The Ways of Love
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, April 14, 2013
What do love, fishing, and discipleship have in common? This week’s gospel lesson offers some good answers. (Photo:© Olga Khoroshunova –

EPA – Facts on Climate Change
Climate change has become a polarizing issue in our country. But the Environmental Protection Agency has some impartial, non-alarmist, authoritative, commonsense information about the science of climate change — and what we can do about it! (Photo © Dmitry Rukhlenko –

A Gracious Plenty
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 10, 2013
There’s grace aplenty and a gracious plenty whenever God’s around. Why are we so miserly with all this abundance? This week’s lessons provide much food for thought. (Photo © Joshua Resnick –

Fear, Faith, & Where We Belong
Second Sunday in Lent Lectionary Reflection, February 24, 2013
We live in fearful and uncertain times. Yet we need not fear because as Paul reminds us, “Our citizenship is in heaven…” We live by faith. Maybe that’s a message folks need to hear today. (Photo by J. Aaron Farr. Thanks!)