

Transfiguration of our Lord Lectionary Reflection, February 10, 2013

Transfiguration need not be limited to the mountaintop. We are in the process of being changed through our relationship with Jesus–transfigured individually and in community to bring light to the world. (Photo © Mopic –

Hunger & Obesity…Two Sides of the Same Problem

Here’s a fine TEDxEast talk by Ellen Gustafson, co-founder of FEED and The Thirty Project. Gustafson’s words bring challenges and much to ponder for all who desire to be good stewards of resources and self. (Photo by erix!. Thanks!)

The Joyful Environmentalists

Here’s an article from Christianity Today you’ll enjoy. Andy Crouch interviews long-time friends Eugene Peterson and Peter Harris, both of whom are actively involved in environmental issues and creation care. Click here to read “The Joyful Environmentalists.” (Photo by Yasin Hassan. Thanks!)

Where’s Jesus?

Lectionary Reflection for the Epiphany of our Lord, January 6, 2013

Where do you see Jesus in the world around you? One of our challenges is to help people learn to look for, to see, and to experience the divine presence in their daily lives and in everyday epiphanies (Photo by Friar’s Balsam. Thanks!)

11 Ways to Recreate the Earth

Caring for the environment is a way of respecting our God, the Creator, and loving our neighbor, including the generations who will come after us. Here are 11 great suggestions — you can make one or all of them a New Year’s Goal — on what you and your congregation can do to help improve the environment. Posted on Beliefnet. (Photo by Aussiegall, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

Let All Creation Praise!

First Sunday of Christmas Lectionary Reflection December 30, 2012 Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his host! Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! […]

Wait Wait…Please tell me!

Lectionary Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2012
Advent involves waiting, but do tell the story in a way that invites disciples to live into the countercultural and radical message of the good news. Here are some ideas to begin that conversation. (Image: © –

Teaching Children to Live Sustainably

Here’s a short, useful blog post from Sustainable Personal Finance that offers four tips for teaching children to live more sustainable lives. These four tips can be applied at home, in school, or through congregational and Christian Education activities. (Photo by icecairo. Thanks!)

Listen…Can You Hear Him?

Christ the King Sunday Lectionary Reflection, November 25, 2012
Sometimes it is difficult to hear Jesus amidst all the noise of daily living. Think about it. Maybe this Sunday is a good time to help folks prepare for Advent with some tools to hear Jesus above the din of consumer culture. (Photo © Warren Goldswain –

Evaluating Financial Parenting Skills

Check out Trent Hamm’s thoughts on raising financially-fit children, along with a book recommendation to help with the process. Trent has many good financial posts on his website Click here! (Photo by Howard County Library System. Thanks!)