
Understanding Biblical Stewardship
Though too often associated merely with money, stewardship also applies to time, talent, and treasure. But stewardship isn’t just about being a good manager of our schedules, our skills, and our stuff. The discipline of biblical stewardship calls us to use all these things in the way the Lord wants, says this article from LifeWay. […]

Beware Pitfalls of Church Credit Cards
Many churches find that it’s easier and quicker to use credit cards for business purchases than other pyament methods, but there are cautions and drawbacks. Wise administrators should be aware of these and establish policies accordingly, says this article from LifeWay.

Top Mistakes Pastors Make with Money
Look closely and you’ll find all sorts of approaches that pastors take regarding money. Some are completely hands-on, while others run from the issue completely. But here are some approaches that a church leader would be wise to avoid. From (Photo: Tal Atlas, Creative Commons)

A Model Church Financial Policy
Lots of churches muddle along without policies to govern their financial matters, opening themselves up to problems down the road. Is yours one of them? If it is — or if your church’s policy simply needs updating — then Lifeway has a model policy that can get you going.

Show Generosity to the Poor
As God convicted my heart and I began to read Scripture with fresh eyes, whole sections of the Bible came alive for me. In particular, God’s concern for orphans struck a chord, says Chip Ingram in a blog post on (Photo by Alan Light, used by Creative Commons license)

Live Abundantly Within Your Means
Today, we’re bombarded with advertising designed to convince us that we need the latest, the fastest, the biggest, and the best. No wonder many of us live with too much debt. To maintain financial priorities and live within your means, you must reconcile your needs and your wants. From LifeWay. (Photo by Katerha, used by […]

A Budget Your Family Can Live With
It’s important to plan for how you’ll allocate your financial resources for each month of the year. This process, commonly known as a budget or spending plan, won’t take long to develop but will pay great rewards throughout the year. This article, posted on LifeWay, can help you budget. (Photo by Chris Potter, used by […]

10 Steps to Financial Freedom
For too many of God’s people, financial stress comes because they’ve fallen into the bad money habits that our culture encourages. Here’s a practical Top-10 List of things you can do right now to get started on the path to financial freedom. From HomeLife, by way of Lifeway. (Photo © Nelos –

Pastor Appreciation Month: Say THANKS!
Clueless! That’s how many churches feel as they contemplate how to express gratitude to their cherished leaders for Pastor Appreciation Month each October. Here are 10 suggestions to get the creative juices flowing. Plus, a worksheet to keep them flowing. (Photo © DOC RABE Media –

Model Church Financial Policy
Does your congregation have an updated financial policy? If not, here’s a good place to start. LifeWay and Keith Hamilton provide a downloadable 2-page model policy that you can use or build on. (Photo: Ken Teegardin, Creative Commons)