
Stewards of Faith
Lectionary Reflection for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, October 2, 2016
This week’s gospel and epistle lesson provide important instruction about being stewards of the very faith we name, claim, and live. It doesn’t get much more basic than that, and this is some very good news. (Photo: Rex Regum, Creative Commons)

Faith — ‘A Little Dab’ll Do Ya!’
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, October 6, 2013
More is not always necessary, or even better. Take hot sauce for example. A little goes a long way. God gives us enough faith. We need only trust and be good stewards of the gift. (Photo: Creative Commons)

Flu Shot Faith and Mustard Seed Reality
19th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, Year A, Oct. 3, 2010
Wouldn’t it be great if there was an inoculation to increase one’s faith? In today’s lesson, Jesus tells the apostles that only the tiniest seed of faith is necessary. (Photo by Andres Rueda used under a Creative Commons license. Thanks!)