
A Fish Tale and a Love Story
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year B
April 19, 2015
We may not have been sharing a meal of fish over a charcoal fire on the lakeside beach with the first disciples, but we share Christ’s very self and consume Christ’s amazing love whenever we gather at his table. This week’s lessons tell a love story that never ends, that we are written right into and that is written (quite literally) into our very hearts.(Photo: Marcelino Renayla, Jr, Creative Commons)

Potlucks, Comfort Food, and Faith
Third Sunday of Easter Lectionary Reflection, April 22, 2012
Comfort food and soul food calm our fears and show our love. When we come to Christ’s table, we receive the ultimate in comfort and soul food, nourishment that equips and strengthens us for mission and ministry as witnesses to the world. (Photo by UUCJ used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)