
Freed to be Free—Really Free
Lectionary Reflection for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, June 26, 2016
Perhaps being good stewards of love is what we need in these tumultuous times. We would do well to cultivate those Spirit fruits in hopes of providing an alternative voice and way in the midst of the rancor of this current election cycle. By serving one another, we serve God. (Photo: Mervi Eskelinen, Creative Commons)

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C, June 30,2013
How often do we take a ministry or mission project or initiative through committee and council, only to have it stalled or tabled for further discussion? How often have you heard the words “We tried that 10 years ago, and it didn’t work then.†The world needs good news, and it needs it now! This week challenge one another to put aside any “buts” and get moving in mission and ministry. (Photo: bertknot, Creative Commons )