
Endowment Funds: Hidden Miracle or Hidden Peril
By Duane Englehardt
How well do congregational endowment funds serve God? Can an endowment fund lead to “empowerment”? Many congregations have participated in wills emphasis programs, and the insurance industry has undertaken heavy promotions of gifts through life insurance.

Francis of Assisi: Steward of a Radical Faith
The simplicity of Francis’ vision, if not as grandiose, has the equal power to disturb: leave all, and follow me. The reach of this vision goes beyond a challenge to the rising capitalism of medieval Europe. It extends to all, whether individual or group, who possess anything more than the essentials. It speaks to peace, to service, to care of the earth and one another. (Photo by randomcuriosity used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)

The Stewardship of Effort
Love in action requires energy given to us by God and always usable for the glory of God. When energy flows through our being, it becomes much easier when we, with vigor — containing our integrity, spend the necessary time to fully express our thanks to our God. It also assures us of renewal of energy should it be required. (Photo by fatniu, used by Creative Commons license.)

Pastor: Fund Raiser for Mission
To a present culture of materialism, selfishness, and consumerism, we are called to model in our own lives and teach others Christian financial stewardship. Each of us clergy and lay leaders can be trained in our discipling to not only make good stewards of our people, but also to talk the language of fund raising and do so with the conviction that it is an important part of our Christian ministry. (Photo by Fallonyates, used by Creative Commons license.)

Testimony of a Tither
I have tithed for many decades, and it has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Although there were always places that the money could go, I never felt that I did not have enough for me and my family. I also felt the need to tell others of my tithing experience. Why am I a tither?

Stewardship of People
Institutional loyalty is admirable and deserves development and encouragement. But it can easily rate ahead of a loyalty and concern for fellow workers. The institution can swallow up the “risk†and “emotion†of people relationships. We can “hide†and “slip by†in the vast machinery of an institution.”

And be thankful!
By Clint Schroeder
And, if we are indeed thankful, then surely a manifestation of that gratitude will be a generous sharing of the love and blessings we have received from a gracious God.

Proclaiming stewardship: A guide for sermons and temple talks
By the Rev. Dr. Susan K. Hedahl
Before public proclamation, it is necessary to ask: Where have we been? As a congregation, what gifts do we already employ for ourselves and others? Where do we hope to be in the months, the years ahead? Which resources do we need to consider, expand, develop?

Discovering your church’s mission
By the Rev. Roger R. Skatrud
The primary focus of the church centers on the Gospel. The work of the congregation must grow out of this focus. The structure of the congregation is helpful only as it facilitates mission and ministry. If we take away our focus, the church has no compelling reason for existence.

By the Rev. Peter W. Marty
Resourcefulness is one of the touchstones for achieving greatness. Sometimes in life we must do what it takes to adjust to adverse conditions. We discover what really works when the chips are down. We turn to a new way when expected things fail us. Beautiful signs of greatness often emerge as we come face-to-face with overwhelming odds, and find ways to cope or overcome.