
Local Church Planned Giving Manual
The United Church has compiled a comprehensive guide to educate leaders about how to establish a planned giving ministry. Includes sections devoted to establishing and promoting a Planned Giving program, congregational endowments, wills emphasis, how life-income gifts work, and more. The quintessential Planned Giving resource!

Local Church Planned Giving Manual
This is your quintessential Planned Giving resource! This is free, online guide for congregations is designed to aid pastors and lay leaders in developing a congregational Planned Giving ministry. Includes sections devoted to establishing and promoting a Planned Giving program, congregational endowments, wills emphasis, how life-income gifts work, and more. (Photo by Ken Mayer, used by Creative Commons license)

Achieving Dreams Beyond the Budget
Here is a manual for those who would work on building an endowment or seeking planned gifts in their local church, “Achieving Your Dreams Beyond the Budget” is an exceptional tool for local church stewardship. This publication outlines a timeless process for congregational planned giving that is still relevant today. Beginning with a theological foundation for planned giving, the booklet walks you through the steps to implement a planned giving program in your congregation.

A Guide for Year-Round Financial Stewardship Planning
This is a comprehensive guide for your congregation’s stewardship and finance team — a 46-page resource from the Presbyterian Church USA! Just what your church needs to get started or to stay on track. (Photo © JulietPhotography –