
8 Reasons Leaders Need Solitude & 5 Doable Ways to Find It
In this week’s gospel lesson, Jesus hears everything his disciples have done and promptly invites them to “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile” (Mark 6:30-31a). This is good advice that’s tough to take; in fact, it’s critical to our leadership, health, and spiritual and emotional well-being. Author and pastor Carey Nieuwhof has a few ideas to help. (Photo: Leland Francisco, Creative Commons)

Take Good Care of You!
Lectionary Reflection for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
July 22, 2012
Jesus encouraged his disciples to rest and care for themselves so that they could better care for others. How are we as individuals, leaders, and congregations encouraging good self-care stewardship practices? Read on for more information! (Photo by HaPe_Gera used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)