
This is Good News?
Second Sunday in Lent, Year B Lectionary Reflection
March 1, 2015
The way of the cross is not about self-flagellation, destructive behaviors, or irresponsible actions. Following Jesus is about publicly proclaiming with your life’s witness that Jesus matters—more than anything else—and in him is the source and wellspring of abundant life. (Photo: Doug 1021, Creative Commons)

Of Saints and Sinners
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday in Lent, March 4, 2012
This week’s lessons invite us to consider the lives of those we hold in esteem as pillars of faith. We remember them for their faith and for the way in which they point us to God. They take up their cross not for glory but because of the One whom they serve. (Photo by Oggie Dog used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)