
Jesus and the Stewardship of Self
Narrative Lectionary Reflection (Year One) for February 8, 2015
This week’s gospel lesson gives us stewardship models straight from our Lord. To serve others well and to appreciate and share God’s abundance, we must also take care of ourselves. This is, of course, easier said than done. (Photo: Jonathan Fox, Creative Commons)

Divine Hospitality & Abundance
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, August 3, 2014
There is so much more than mere money to God’s abundance; in fact, by honoring all aspects of God’s abundance and desire for us to live life to its fullest, we are equipped to better understand how to weave our understanding and right use of financial resources into our daily living. (Photo: Amy Gaertner, Creative Commons)

Plenty: Satiating both Physical and Spiritual Hunger
Lectionary Reflection for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, July 31, 2011
This week’s texts invite us to contemplate both physical and spiritual hunger and our role as Christians in being filled and filling others for the sake of the gospel. Photo by hoyasmeg used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!