
It’s not Fair! God’s Grace and Human Nature

Lectionary Reflection, 14th Sunday after Pentecost

God’s idea of fair and our idea of what’s fair can be quite different. I’d say that’s a very good thing! What do you think?

  • September 14
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Heavenly Hushpuppies and Crumbs of Grace

“We are beggars; this is true” are among the last words supposedly written by Martin Luther. In this week’s gospel reading we see both sides of the table–insider and outsider–and we play both roles in this life. Photo by Clevergrrl used under Creative Commons license. Thanks!

The Good, Gray Color of Grace

22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, October 24, 2010

This Sunday’s gospel passage from Luke reminds us that although we might like to see the world in clear cut opposites of black and white, life is really lived in the gray areas. Pharisee and tax collector, saint and sinner…yep, that’s us. (Photo by Flickr used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

The Many Faces of Mercy

Lectionary Reflection for Sunday, June 6, 2010
Second Sunday after Pentecost Year C
How about taking a slightly different approach to this week’s texts? Consider as the key point that God does provide and mercy has a face–yours.