Five Reasons Why I Give: Reflections from a Millennial
You’ve heard it over and over: It’s hard to get Millennials to church, and even harder to get them to contribute generously. Here’s testimony from a young man who finds it joyful and fulfilling to give generously. What can we learn from him? From Ecumenical Stewardship Center. (Photo © momius –
Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome? Yep, It’s a Thing
Thousands of young adults have dropped out of church because of what author Reba Reiley calls “Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome.” PTCS comes because Millennials experience the church as clashing with their worldview and values, she tells Religion News Service in an interview. (Photo by Ken Teegardin, used by Creative Commons license)
‘Why I Won’t Give to Your Church’
In this illuminating essay, a Millennial explains why his generation is put off by traditional congregational approaches to faith, religion and community — and what might work to involve them in church life. From Leadership Journal. (Photo by sboneham, used by Creative Commons license)
How Churches Can Attract Younger People
It causes church people much anxiety and soul searching that Christmas brings people to church who don’t attend the rest of the year, including the desperately needed younger generation. Though churches are eager to attract a new generation, they often go about it the wrong way, says this USA Today commentator, who has suggestions for […]