Congregational Discernment and Stewardship
The spiritual practice of discernment may be a useful tool for congregations when it comes to matters of stewardship of money. Check out this article by spiritual director Teresa Blythe on the Patheos website. (Photo by hickory hardscrabble used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
The New Financial Reality
It is fact that our children are not destined to inherit our standard of living and financial ease. Trent Hamm, author and blogger, runs a series of numbers in response to a reader’s question that show the extent of how our financial situation has changed and the present and future generations face. The question is […]
The Seven Deadly Sins of Personal Finance
Here’s an engaging (and entertaining) look at the seven deadly sins of personal finance from award-winning financial blogger Len Penzo. In addition to linking these sins to personal finance, Penzo suggests “penance” for the repentant in the form of additional articles on financial management. (Photo by Muffet used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Tithing = ten percent…of what?
Here’s an amusing, yet insightful, look at what constitutes “tithing.” Click here to watch a YouTube video entitled “Tithing = ten percent…of what?” (Photo by seo_gun used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Can Stewardship be More Inviting?
Because Americans are comfortable keeping faith and money separate, whenever we start a conversation about stewardship by talking about money or financial need, we immediately arouse hostility. All stewardship talk which begins with money starts at the wrong place. The place to begin meaningful stewardship conversation is with the concept of freedom. (Photo (c) 2006 Jgroup, via
Consumerism Study Guides and Lesson Plans
Consumerism is arguably the dominant cultural force in the United States, but our Christian faith challenges consumerism’s assumptions. Here are six study guides — on topics ranging from “Stuff Love,” “Mastering Mammon” and “Discovering Your True Identity” — to help you explore. (Photo by Pandah, used by Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Stewardship University
Here is a nice assortment of stewardship materials to equip and educate your congregation for a pledge campaign. It includes sample documents, PowerPoint Presentations and promotional materials. From the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. (Photo by JOnBon, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Pastor: Fund Raiser for Mission
To a present culture of materialism, selfishness, and consumerism, we are called to model in our own lives and teach others Christian financial stewardship. Each of us clergy and lay leaders can be trained in our discipling to not only make good stewards of our people, but also to talk the language of fund raising and do so with the conviction that it is an important part of our Christian ministry. (Photo by Fallonyates, used by Creative Commons license.)
Faithful Living: A Biblical Ethic of Financial Stewardship
Financial stewardship is not only a matter of faithful giving but of faithful living. In response to the gospel, we submit our lives to the rule of God, to the lordship of Christ, and to the direction of the Holy Spirit, so that we may be the people God wants us to be and have the lives God wants us to have.
The Connection Between Money and Happiness
Lectionary Reflection, 18th Sunday after Pentecost, September 26, 2010
Does money equate to happiness? According to the results of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, the answer is yes…to a point. The Christian, however, may want approach this equation from a somewhat different perspective. (Photo by Aart van Bezooyen used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)