5 Questions to Guide Your Financial Resolutions
Are you thinking of making some financial resolutions for 2015? Start with these “financial health” questions, since a recent study showed them to have a high correlation with net worth. If you don’t like your current answers, here are some ways to improve your answers for this same time next year, from (Photo by […]
New Year’s Resolutions for the Christian Steward
Although there is nothing in the Bible or notable in Christian tradition about New Year’s resolutions, many good stewards take advantage of this time of year to become closer to the Lord. They may re-commit themselves to pray more, to read the Bible, or to attend church more regularly. If you are looking for some […]
What Resolutions Would Jesus Make?
Now there’s nothing wrong with setting goals that will lead to positive changes in our lives, but I’ve noticed how self-centered my resolutions over the years tended to be. I resolve mostly to do things that will enrich MY life, firm up MY finances, improve MY health and promote MY happiness. Narcissistic resolutions are perfect for people of our me-first age, but methinks not so much for followers Jesus. (Photo by Erephas, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)
Resolutions for These End Times
In recent years we have been deluged with “end-times†paranoia, ranging from vague and scary apocalyptic prophecy to specific day-and-hour predictions. Even so, I’ve created my own “end of world†prediction – one that is entirely true, based on Scripture and scientific evidence. And based on my prediction, I’ve crafted New Year’s Resolutions for 2013. (Photo © rolffimages –
Resolutions you can really use
‘It’s Personal!’
Most people forget their New Year’s Resolutions as soon as they break them. It’s too bad, because resolutions to be a better steward of your life really can help you. Here is some advice for how to keep them from getting stale or forgotten.
(By Overthehill, via )