Stewardship: A Pastor’s Responsibility
Since giving is a spiritual issue and the pastor is the congregation’s chief spiritual leader, it is easy to say that stewardship is a pastor’s responsibility. But what exactly does that mean? Here are some key thoughts about the pastor’s role in stewardship. From (Photo © Scott Griessel –
Should Pastors Know How Much Members Give?
Is it helpful or harmful if a pastor knows how much every member gives? On the one hand, it can help a pastor diagnose problems in the congregation. On the other hand, the pastor may start playing favorites. What do you think? Experts are divided, as this discussion by reveals. (Photo © Michael Nivelet […]
Pastor: Fund Raiser for Mission
To a present culture of materialism, selfishness, and consumerism, we are called to model in our own lives and teach others Christian financial stewardship. Each of us clergy and lay leaders can be trained in our discipling to not only make good stewards of our people, but also to talk the language of fund raising and do so with the conviction that it is an important part of our Christian ministry. (Photo by Fallonyates, used by Creative Commons license.)