
Reignite Your Passion for Ministry
Passion energizes life and turns the impossible into possible. If you don’t have any passion in your life, ministry will become boring, dull, routine, monotonous. God made you to live passionately and to serve God and God’s people with vitality, vibrancy, energy and enthusiasm. Here are some tips for reigniting passion from (Photo: Andrii […]

Budget for Growth in Your Church
Recently a Senior Pastor friend of mine attempting to lead his church of 180 in growth asked if I had any thoughts I could share with his governing board about crafting an effective budget for their church. I have plenty. Many churches are stuck because they look at budgeting all the wrong way. Here are some ideas. (Photo:, Creative Commons)

6 Reasons to Preach the Word About Money
Preaching about money is often among a pastor’s least favorite things to do, especially in our money-soaked culture where people take their finances very personally. But good doctrine and sound practice demand that we talk about finance. From

Stewardship: A Pastor’s Responsibility
Since giving is a spiritual issue and the pastor is the congregation’s chief spiritual leader, it is easy to say that stewardship is a pastor’s responsibility. But what exactly does that mean? Here are some key thoughts about the pastor’s role in stewardship. From (Photo © Scott Griessel –

Signs You Have a Bad Disciple-Making Strategy
How do you know you have a bad strategy for making disciples? Just look at the results. Remember, “your ministry is perfectly designed to produce the results you are currently experiencing.†This article from gives some good insight into how to change course. (Photo by David Joyce, used by Creative Commons license)

‘Losing Weight Has Made Me A Better Pastor’
For Brandon Hilgemann, dieting and exercising not only helped him shed 40 pounds and improve his physical health, it also worked wonders on his ministry. In this essay from he explains how. (Photo © Saje –

When Your Church Seems to Be Dying …
No church leader I know wants to see another church close its doors. We need every local church, now more than ever, if we’re going to fulfill the Great Commission as soon as possible. But each local church in history has tended to have its own life cycle. Some are revived and have a whole new life. Others disband and dissolve. And many churches limp along in mere survival mode for a couple of decades until their stalwart generation is gone and then close their doors. If you think your church might be dying, here are some possible next moves. (Photo by Tom Blackwell, used by Creative Commons license)

Healthy Change in a Local Church
Wise leaders know that change in a congregation can be incredibly hard, requiring amazing amounts of time and energy. But they also know that constant change is necessary and worth the expense. Here are some principles for how to lead your congregation through healthy change. From (Photo by Phil Whitehouse, used by Creative Commons […]