
Local Church Planned Giving Manual
The United Church has compiled a comprehensive guide to educate leaders about how to establish a planned giving ministry. Includes sections devoted to establishing and promoting a Planned Giving program, congregational endowments, wills emphasis, how life-income gifts work, and more. The quintessential Planned Giving resource!

13 Reasons your Church Needs a Planned Giving Strategy
Planned giving plants seeds that will yield a bigger harvest. A planned giving strategy is a wise investment in your congregation’s ministry, mission, and future.Share this article with congregational leaders to start the conversation about why this needs to be an integral part of your stewardship ministry. (Photo: Ken Mayer, Creative Commons)

Intro to Planned Giving Webinar
Wondering how to tackle even the basics of planned giving to ensure your congregation’s future ministry and mission? Check out this informative webinar from the Episcopal Church Foundation!

Local Church Planned Giving Manual
This is your quintessential Planned Giving resource! This is free, online guide for congregations is designed to aid pastors and lay leaders in developing a congregational Planned Giving ministry. Includes sections devoted to establishing and promoting a Planned Giving program, congregational endowments, wills emphasis, how life-income gifts work, and more. (Photo by Ken Mayer, used by Creative Commons license)

Estate Planning: A Key to Faithful Stewardship
An estate plan is a significant resource for a faithful Christian steward to bring their finances in line with faith values, but many churches fall short in educating their members to be even better stewards of God’s gifts. Here are some tips. From the United Methodist Church. (Photo © Robert Kneschke –

Achieving Dreams Beyond the Budget
Here is a manual for those who would work on building an endowment or seeking planned gifts in their local church, “Achieving Your Dreams Beyond the Budget” is an exceptional tool for local church stewardship. This publication outlines a timeless process for congregational planned giving that is still relevant today. Beginning with a theological foundation for planned giving, the booklet walks you through the steps to implement a planned giving program in your congregation.

Basic Guide to Congregational Endowments
Looking for a basic guide to begin planning an endowment fund for your congregation? Download this free 42-page PDF from Thrivent and the InFaith Community Foundation. It has plenty of good material to get you started. (Photo: Raul Hernandez Gonzalez, Creative Commons)

Developing a Planned Giving Program
Click here to explore “Elements of a Successful Planned Giving Program” on the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations website. This guide covers the basics and provides solid resources to begin a conversation in your context about gift planning. (Photo: David Morris, Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Host a Final Affairs Fair
Check out how one St. Philip’s Cathedral (ECUSA) in Atlanta, educated its members about wills, planned gifts, and getting one’s final affairs in order–in a lighthearted and informative format. Click here to learn more. (Photo by Ken_Mayer. Thanks!)