Pledging: Should Clergy Know?
The question comes up eventually in about every church: Should the pastor know what each family gives? There are certainly pros and cons to both sides of the issue, as this article from the Episcopal Church Foundation points out. (Photo by, used by permission)
Basics for a Year-Round Ministry of Stewardship
Sadly, for many churches stewardship campaign planning begins after Labor Day. A good stewardship ministry is a year-round effort. This free 16-page guide helps clarify ideas and misconceptions about stewardship as it provides a framework for planning a year-round stewardship campaign. (Flickr imge by alancleaver_2000, used by Creative Commons license)
The Positives of Pledging
By Clint Schroeder In my 30-plus years of being involved in stewardship programming across the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, I have heard a lot of comments about pledging. Many were negative. Let me proclaim the positives of pledging: Pledging is spiritual Pledging is discipline Pledging is practical Giving the first fruits […]