
Refugees All
First Sunday of Christmas, Year A, Lectionary Reflection
December 29, 2013
The gospel lesson this week is a particularly tough one coming on the heels of the Christmas story. However, it is one that we should not ignore because it says something critically important about the reality of life and our utter dependence on Jesus, God Incarnate. (Photo: mararie, Creative Commons)

I Get Knocked Down…
Time after Pentecost Lectionary 10 Reflection, June 9, 2013
A lot of really good stuff is happening in today’s lessons. From dis-ease and death to hope and healing, we have reason to rejoice and sing. We may get knocked down by life, but God will lift us up again. Scroll down for worship ideas and suggestions for time with children and youth. Photo: © raywoo –

Wellness and a Broken Sea Shell?
20th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Oct. 10, 2010
What does a battered but beautiful sea shell have to do with faith and wellness? Is it possible to be healed, made whole in Christ, without pain and scars being removed? Read on to find out.