
Grappling with the Divine

Lectionary Reflection for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, October 16, 2016
Like Jacob, are we willing to encounter God in our dark nights of the soul and hang on for dear life? Ultimately, are we able to submit to the blessing—named and claimed and never forsaken? (Photo: Michael Swan, Creative Commons)

Stewarding the Mysteries

Second Sunday in Lent Lectionary Reflection, Year A, March 16, 2014
Yes, we are charged with stewarding the mysteries of faith in a world that seeks ready, quick, and easy answers. Impossible? Thanks to the faithful witness of those who have gone before us, we continue to share the good news and sacred mysteries that defy explanation–and that defy sin and death. Along with Nicodemus, we still sometimes wonder “How can these things be?” (Photo: Punktraum, Creative Commons)