
Walk Wet and Share the Good News
Baptism of our Lord, Year A, January 8, 2017
This week’s gospel is a great springboard to remember and give thanks for your baptism, but don’t stop there! We have good news to share as we walk wet in this world. (Photo: Waiting for the Word, Creative Commons License)

Lament, Repent, Relent
Lectionary Reflection for the Baptism of our Lord, Year C, January 10, 2016
This Sunday’s lessons, combined with recent events, offers preachers and teachers a real opportunity to “wade deeper” into the waters of our baptismal identity. We also have ideas for time with children and youth. (Photo: THX0477, Creative Commons)

How Can These Things NOT Be?
Holy Trinity Sunday, Year B, May 31, 2015
This is the Sunday where it’s tempting to rehash and explain away the truly inexplicable nature of God and the concept of the Trinity: God in three persons. God in three essences. God in three expressions. Good luck with that! Why not simply tell the story of God’s relational nature and abiding and life-giving love? (Photo: A Davey, Creative Commons )

A Holy, Wholly Relational God
Holy Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012
Lectionary Reflection
Are you ready to experience and embrace the holy and untamed Triune God? Will you and those you serve be sent willingly into this beautiful, broken world to serve and love?