
‘Edgy’ Stewardship for Troubling Times
Lectionary Reflection for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, November 11, 2016
In this week’s gospel lesson, Jesus instructs us to see our suffering and the changes that ravage our security and life as opportunities to witness and testify to the love and grace of our Lord. We are called to steward an “edgy” faith. (Photo: Georgie Pauwels, Creative Commons)

Chosen–Not Frozen
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B, May 10, 2015
What’s keeping us frozen instead of really acting like we’re chosen? The call is to love, to live, and to bear fruit that lasts. We have the commands, we have the marching orders, and we are dearly beloved. We have all we need. (Photo: James Trosh, Creative Commons)