
Plastic Purge
Want to know more about plastics, their effects on humans and the environment, and how to recycle them properly? Here’s a comprehensive article from UTNE Reader by Plastic Purge author Michael SanClements. You’re almost there. Click the title to be redirected. (Photo: Katherine Davis, Creative Commons)

Creative Recycling
Check out this article from Mother Nature Network! It shows you how to recycle everything from crayons to Crocs and a whole lot more. (Photo: jjsink, Creative Commons)

A Gracious Plenty
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 10, 2013
There’s grace aplenty and a gracious plenty whenever God’s around. Why are we so miserly with all this abundance? This week’s lessons provide much food for thought. (Photo © Joshua Resnick –

Let’s teach our kids to recycle
Tut tut, Boy Scouts of America. Teaching youth to appreciate nature has long been a central tenet of scouting. But it’s time to do more to teach them to recycle! (Photo by Alx – Fotolia)

Trashy Stewardship
How much trash do you take out every week? One bag? Two bags? More? Your garbage serves as a pretty good indicator of your stewardship. Trash shows both how much you consume and how much you recycle — or fail to recycle! Can you do better? Sure! Here are some tips. (Photo © Olga Lyubkin –

We’re trashing ourselves!
“Americans generate more trash than anyone else on the planet: more than 7 pounds per person each day. And most landfill trash is made up of containers and packaging — almost all of which should be recycled.” Read more and listen to the Fresh Air interview with Edward Hume, author of Garbology.