
Oh, the Options!
22nd Sunday after Pentecost & Reformation Sunday, October 25, 2015
The Good News of Jesus Christ is timeless and unchanging, but it aims to be presented in fresh, new ways that speak to every age and context. We can take a cue from Martin Luther and the other 16th century reformers and make good use of the tools available to us, especially this Sunday when we have some very good choices for lessons and celebrations. (Photo: Daniel Oines, Creative Commons)

The Days are Surely Coming
Reformation Day Lectionary Reflection, October 26, 2014
If nothing else, this Sunday should be a day to be unbound from fear of the future and to celebrate freedom in Christ and God’s steadfastness across the ages. Remembering can give us fuel and freedom to face the future. (Photo: Col Ford, Creative Commons)

Open my Eyes and Write on my Heart
22nd Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, October 28,2012
How is God opening your eyes and writing on your heart? What do you see? What do you wish not to see? (Photo by lissalou66. Thanks!)