Stewardship is Rooted in Relationship
The starting point for stewardship is our relationship to God, says Methodist writer Larry Hollon. A vibrant, flourishing life occurs when we are in a right relationship with God and with others. These relationships inform us of our own value and the value of the gift of life, and its meaning and purpose.
Stewarding Relationship
Caring for one another is at once incredibly simple and achingly tiring, yet stewardship of our relationships is an integral component of any faith community. Sometimes, according to author Courtney E. Martin, we need more doing than thinking, more “bossiness” than niceties. Read her essay posted on the On Being with Krista Tippett website. (Photo: DFID, Creative Commons)
Cultivating Spiritual Growth
Lectionary Reflection for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 5, 2012
How’s the work of cultivating disciples going in your community of faith? Paul has some good words for spiritual gardeners in this week’s epistle lesson, and the gospel reminds us the master gardener’s mentoring that sustains us. (Photo by hans s used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
What to do with more time than money? Cultivate Relationships
‘Just Living’ Blog
Like gardens, relationships bloom when well-tended. When you have the gift of more time than money, be sure you put that time to good use cultivating valued relationships with family, friends, and community.