
Five Practices to Live More Sustainably
Let’s face it: Our Western habits of consumption are a big cause of the environmental crisis facing our planet. What can we do? Here are five practices that, if everybody did them, would make a big difference. Start today! From Relevant Magazine.

How Giving Turned This Church Around
Jon Weese was challenged to turn a struggling church around and he did so by challenging people to look outside the doors rather than inward toward themselves. He practiced radical giving of self, time, and resources and expected the congregation to do the same. Read this article published in Relevant Magazine to learn more. (Photo: […]

The Human Face of Climate Change
Check out this excellent article by Ben Lowe in the current issue or Relevant Magazine. To read the entire article, you’ll need to register, but it’s well worth it. (Photo: William Warby, Creative Commons)

What if Everybody Tithed?
As a whole, American Christians give about 2.5 percent of their income to churches — lower than even during the Great Depression, when they gave 3.3 percent. And yet churches are still able to teach the ignorant, feed the hungry and care for the least among us. Imagine what we could do if every churchgoer […]