
God’s Five Investment Funds
“Your congregation can invest in eternity by using their money for God’s purposes. It is secure. It is risk free. It comes with guaranteed interest. It yields dividends forever,” writes Rick Warren in this column on What are they? What do you think? (Photo © rangizzz –

8 Reasons Why Believers Give to Your Church
If you want your church to grow, you must learn how to motivate believers to invest their resources into the kingdom for ministry and for facilities, says “Purpose-Driven Pastor” Rick Warren. It is a key responsibility of leadership. See whether Warren’s eight reasons ring true for your church. (Photo by Lisafx, via

Testimony of a Generosity Jedi
Most things take desire, time and practice to do well, and even more desire, more time and more practice to master. The same holds true for living with generosity. Good stewardship starts with desire and requires discipline and practice. But how can we cultivate the desire for people to live generously, when the whole proposition is counter-cultural? (Photo by Phillip West (who specializes in paper folding), used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)