
Jesus and the Stewardship of Self
Narrative Lectionary Reflection (Year One) for February 8, 2015
This week’s gospel lesson gives us stewardship models straight from our Lord. To serve others well and to appreciate and share God’s abundance, we must also take care of ourselves. This is, of course, easier said than done. (Photo: Jonathan Fox, Creative Commons)

Congregational Leadership as Spiritual Practice
Congregational leadership involves seeing the holy in the congregation’s members and the quotidian activities of the church and trying to bring that holiness out in partnership with God and others. But in the business of congregational life, it is easy to lose our way, focus on product rather than persons, become overwhelmed by the tasks of ministry, and forget that we are always on holy ground as we interact with God’s beloved children. What can we do? Here are some ideas. (Photo by Lel4nd, used by Creative Commons license)

Tips to be a Better Steward of Time
We’re working more hours than ever before, and clergy are certainly no exception. In this short article, Michael Hyatt, chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers, offers seven tips that can save you about 10 hours a week. (Photo: Jayel Aheram, Creative Commons)

Self Care is not Self-ish
If you lead and serve in a congregational setting, be sure to read this article about the importance of self-care from Faith & Leadership at Duke Divinity School. (Photo: Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho)