
What to do with more time than money? Take Stock!

Think about it: retail operations take inventory on a regular basis, businesses undergo financial audits each year, and employers conduct performance reviews of those in their employ. It makes sense that we as individuals should engage in a period of discernment or “taking stock” of our lives.

What to do with More Time than Money — Rest

In the last entry I talked about the gift of having more time than money and the countercultural reality of this state of being, at least for the Baby Boomer generation. Many of us were indoctrinated with a mindset that our worth is somehow tied up the size of our paycheck, the title we hold, […]

You Get What You Pay For – Sometimes More!

Your first idea for replacing a washer and dryer may be that high-end appliance store. But that’s only the first step on a journey to making purchase with economy, simplicity and justice, as SOLI editor and columnist Sharron R. Lucas found out.

Happy Not-So-New Year!

Just Living: December 29, 2008
Last January, I embarked upon an experiment: 365 days without buying anything new, except for food, services, and certain items of clothing and personal care. I called it my year of “making do.”

Living Simply ≠ Simply Living

Lectionary Reflection: September 15, 2008
Now nine months into the experiment of buying nothing new, our columnist has learned many important lessons about justice, equality and human nature.

  • September 15
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Stewardship Notes from the Road

Just Living: May 5, 2008
Going on vacation doesn’t mean you leave stewardship issues at home. If anything, vacation time means facing even more decisions about use of one’s resources and care of God’s good creation.

Living Stones

Lectionary Reflection: April 14, 2008
Our columnist is now a quarter way through her year of buying nothing new, and she keeps receiving new awarenesses.


Just Living: February 18, 2008

In her year of simplifying her life, our columnist faced a perplexing problem: What about the books?

Of Storage Bags, Shower Curtains, Stewardship and Stuff

Just Living: January 14, 2008
To be an effective steward of all this stuff, I’m taking a four-pronged approach. Believe me, it’s a daunting process!