The prayerful pose
Press you hands together, palm-to-palm, finger-to-finger, thumb-to-thumb. Go ahead. Do it now, and hold it for a few seconds. Are you doing it? Not a very natural pose, is it? In fact, it feels kind of awkward, right? At least it does for me. The position forces your hands to straighten against their natural curvature. […]
What to do with more time than money? Cultivate Relationships
‘Just Living’ Blog
Like gardens, relationships bloom when well-tended. When you have the gift of more time than money, be sure you put that time to good use cultivating valued relationships with family, friends, and community.
Taking Stock: Your Faith Life?
When you have more time than money, take stock of your faith life. If you find a disconnect that’s as dingy as gray laundry, try incorporating prayer, study of scripture, and community into your regular routine. Read on for the details.
Stewardship and Stone Pillow Slumber
Lectionary Reflection: July 14, 2008
When we humans recognize God’s divine activity in our lives, when we understand God’s radical grace and mercy in the face of our sinful nature, then a response follows.
Discipleship: The Challenge of Staying Focused
Lectionary Reflection: March 17, 2008
Holy Week is a busy time for pastors and laypeople alike. Is it too busy?
What Does this Mean, this whole Pentecost Thing?
Lectionary Reflection for May 23
Ask your average mainline Christian what Pentecost is all about, and you’re likely to hear everything from “I don’t know” to “We all wear red.” Worship leaders, preachers, and Christian educators should give careful thought to this important day.