
Bread, Water, and Signs of God
Lectionary Reflection for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, July 29, 2012
Where do you see signs of Jesus in your daily life? Start simple. Think small. Even bread and water can point you to God.

Take Good Care of You!
Lectionary Reflection for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
July 22, 2012
Jesus encouraged his disciples to rest and care for themselves so that they could better care for others. How are we as individuals, leaders, and congregations encouraging good self-care stewardship practices? Read on for more information! (Photo by HaPe_Gera used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Wide Open Faith
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, June 24, 2012
How does a wide open faith and heart help us to deal with life’s storms? Even when we don’t realize it, God is riding the waves with us, bringing us through the chaos into safe, grace-full harbors. (Photo by NASA used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

A Holy, Wholly Relational God
Holy Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012
Lectionary Reflection
Are you ready to experience and embrace the holy and untamed Triune God? Will you and those you serve be sent willingly into this beautiful, broken world to serve and love?

Of Saints and Sinners
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday in Lent, March 4, 2012
This week’s lessons invite us to consider the lives of those we hold in esteem as pillars of faith. We remember them for their faith and for the way in which they point us to God. They take up their cross not for glory but because of the One whom they serve. (Photo by Oggie Dog used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

What We Come to Do
Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, February 5, 2012
Dear colleagues in ministry, this week’s lessons offer hope for the weary, the wounded, the wanderer, and you. God loves you and wants to lift you up so that you can continue what you came to do. (Photo by Carl Chapman used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

You Are Invited
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday after Epiphany
January 15, 2012
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” asks Nathanael. Many folks today ask the same thing about the church. You are invited to open your eyes, to come and see. (Photo by Hans van de Bruggen used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Time to Lighten Up!
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent
December 11, 2011
Now that we’ve swept clean the corners of our heart and mind, this Sunday invites us to fill our souls with light, rejoicing in the knowledge that the Light of Christ is coming into the world and we can point others to it. (Photo by cupcakes2 used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Go, Church!
Pentecost, Year A, June 12, 2011
Does Pentecost rank in its proper place among the “big three” Christian festivals in your context? If not, maybe it’s time to rethink the approach to this important day. (Photo by andycoan used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)