A Time to Pray for Creation
The World Council of Churches and related ecumenical bodies have adopted a “Time for Creation†as an emphasis in the church year, from the beginning of the Eastern Orthodox liturgical year on 9/1 to the feast-day of Saint Francis observed by the Roman Catholic Church on 10/4.
10 Ways to Cast a Generosity Vision in your Church
Dr. Chuck Lawless  believes people need “a vision…a challenge…a purpose” in order to give generously, and he offers 10 ideas to jump-start the process. Are you ready? (Photo: Kate Ter Haar, Creative Commons)
How Awe Makes Us Generous
The writers of the Psalter understood a thing or two about awe. Now here’s scientific research showing how experiencing awe links us to others and makes us more generous. (Photo: Herman Pinera, Creative Commons)
Sharing Food and Stewardship
Check out Dr. Greg Carey’s reflection on feeding the hungry. There’s a strong stewardship component here–and feeding others is something we can do. How is your congregation working to eradicate hunger? (Photo: Rob Blezard)
Stewardship in the Church
Far too often, stewardship has been relegated to a Sunday school class, a special offering, or an annual church emphasis. Churches would benefit by considering stewardship a departmental ministry, appropriately staffed and budgeted to serve the local church, says this article from Enrichment Journal. (Photo © Alfredo Müller –
Little Things Make a Difference
In light of Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change and the effects of our consumer culture on the planet and particularly on the poor, author Tom Beutel examines small ways we can choose to make a bigger difference. He also provides links to excellent resources. (Photo © Dmitry Rukhlenko –
Why Your Church Needs Mobile Giving
Here in three easy to understand charts is proof that your congregation needs (or at least should consider) mobile giving. The times they are a’changing. (Photo: )
Non-Perishable Discipleship
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, August 2, 2015
Hungry people and perishing food do not make for a pleasing combination or happy picture, especially in light of this week’s gospel lesson (John 6:24-35) where we feast on the image of Jesus as the bread of life, as food that does not perish. There’s a stewardship connection here it would seem. (Photo US Department of Agriculture, Creative Commons)
Wholehearted Stewardship
This article from ECF Vital Practices poses the question “What is keeping us from living into fundraising as a wholehearted ministry?” Using Brene Brown’s TED Talk “The Power of Vulnerability,” author Erin Weber-Johnson hallmarks of a successful parish stewardship program. Photo: (Photo © Strezhnev Pavel –
17 Practical Ways to Embrace Stewardship
Have you read Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si? If so, great! Consider these 17 practical ideas for better stewardship. If not, put Lauato Si at the top of your reading list and get a head start with these tips from writer Constance T. Hull. (Photo: IFPL, Creative Commons License)