
A Simple Lesson in Stewardship

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, July 26, 2015
What do bread and stewardship have to do with each other? Check out this week’s lectionary reflection for our thoughts. You’ll also find ideas for worship and for time with youth and children. (Photo: Steve Cadman, ,Creative Commons)

We Can Afford to be Generous

“Generosity is a form of trust,” says pastor and author Brian Zahnd. “This is why Jesus constantly tells us not to worry about scarcity, but to trust in God. We are not limited to a finite, zero-based, closed-system universe.” Check out this compelling reflection–especially in light of the gospel lesson for this coming Sunday (9th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B). Photo: Erik Fitzpatrick, Creative Commons

8 Reasons Leaders Need Solitude & 5 Doable Ways to Find It

In this week’s gospel lesson, Jesus hears everything his disciples have done and promptly invites them to “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest awhile” (Mark 6:30-31a). This is good advice that’s tough to take; in fact, it’s critical to our leadership, health, and spiritual and emotional well-being. Author and pastor Carey Nieuwhof has a few ideas to help. (Photo: Leland Francisco, Creative Commons)

Launch an Online Giving Program Now

If you don’t have an online giving strategy for your congregation, it’s time to start. Read this short article and learn how to launch one now! (Photo: Creative Commons)

Touching the Hem of the God’s Garment

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B
June 28, 2015
The 1980s AT&T slogan “Reach out and touch someone” certainly applies to this week’s lessons. We reach out in faith–no matter how pitiful–and God reaches out to us in love and mercy. (Photo: Creative Commons)

The Basics of Launching a Legacy Gift Program

Here’s a basic guide to launching a planned giving program in your congregation. In this handy guide published by the United Church of Canada, you’ll find basic tools, a handy checklist, and more. (Photo: Steven Depolo, Creative Commons)

Good Counsel for First Call Pastors

What stewardship advice would you give a first call pastor? Pastor Jerry Hoffman offers six key thoughts for new leaders. Click here to be redirected to the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. (Photo: )

Ready for the Party?

Narrative Lectionary Reflection for March 8, 2015
We possess a great treasure in the good news of Jesus Christ. We have been invited to dine with God, to taste and see that the Lord is good, and to be strengthened with a taste of the reign that even now is breaking into our world in surprising ways and unexpected places. (Photo: torbakhopper, Creative Commons)

Scholastic Year vs. Calendar Year Stewardship

Check out this article from Luther Seminary’s Center for Stewardship Leaders weekly newsletter! Pastor Paul Ziese talks about how his congregation made the switch and experienced strong results. (Photo: William Warby, Creative Commons)

Climate Change: Finding Common Ground

“When you dig to the bottom of it,” climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says, “the problem many people have with climate change is not with the science. The problem is that people believe climate change is not consistent with their ideological values, political values, or faith values.” Read more of Hayhoe’s perspectives in this article. (Photo: […]