
Stewarding the Call to Follow Jesus

Third Sunday after Epiphany Year B, January 25, 2015
Is responding to Jesus’ call to discipleship a stewardship issue? Absolutely! Read on to find out how. (Photo: Marina Elena, Creative Commons)

Serving God, Saving the Planet Film Series & Study

Blessed Earth and Dr. Matthew Sleeth offer a twelve-part study series with two films “Hope for Creation” and “Hope for Humanity” designed to help disciples dig deeply into issues of creation care. Check it out here. (Photo: Michael 1952, Creative Commons)

Generative Leadership and Stronger Stewardship

Miguel Angel Escobar, writing in “ECF Vestry Papers,” shows how applying generative leadership principles can help congregations move toward stronger stewardship and creative ministry. (Photo: laffy4K, Creative Commons)

Dealing with Christmas Debt Hangover

Church attendance goes up in January but giving goes down as people begin to pay off the Christmas spending. The Rocket Company offers four ideas for how to help parishioners avoid debt hangover in the future and become better stewards. (Photo: Mike Kline, Creative Commons)

Live More with Less in 2015

An ever increasing number of people are choosing to live with fewer possessions and as a result are experiencing a better quality of life. Read about the new minimalists, gather some ideas, and use what fits your context to be a better steward of all of God’s creation in 2015. (Photo: storebukkebruse, Creative Commons)

Resolve to be Green in 2015

Creation care doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are five simple ways you can do a better job of caring for the earth. A little bit of effort goes a long way! (Photo Steve Snodgrass, Creative Commons)

‘Tis the Season…for Technology

The Barna Group offers this report about how technology is affecting celebrations of Christmas and other holidays of this season. Technology’s  use, and its abuse, has a profound affect on our lives, so be sure to take time to read this short offering. (Photo: Luke Wroblewski, Creative Commons)

Stewards of Advent Time: Be

Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B, December 21, 2014
“…let it be with me according to your word,” says Mary. Let it be. What a statement of radical assent! What an affirmation of faith, a declaration of trust, and a testament to courage! This week we once again remind ourselves that we stand with Mary, with Peter, and with all the faithful witnesses to the Good News of Jesus Christ. (Photo: Paukrus, Creative Commons)

When Creation Runs a Fever

Climate scientist and evangelical Christian Katherine Hayhoe discusses climate change, why our faith demands action, and the reasons why we must move beyond politics and ideological arguments in this recent interview with Ann Neumann in Guernica. (Photo: John LeGear, Creative Commons)

Stewards of Advent Time: Witness

Third Sunday of Advent, Year B, December 14, 2014
Like John the Baptist, we are called to point to Jesus, to share the good news so that others may know him. Witness is not passive. We tell the story of what we have seen, heard, and experienced. (Photo: Paolo Tonin, Creative Commons)