
Carpe Tithem: How tithing can invigorate your faith
The vast majority of people in the world cannot even imagine the standard of living that most Americans take for granted. The truth is that we are called to worship God with our wallet as well as our body, mind, spirit and heart. Following are five ways to re-imagine the tithe so that we can see it as an essential expression of the life of faith. (Great article in the Journal of Lutheran Ethics.) Photo © Pei Lin –

Do Mormons love Jesus more?
A clever bumper sticker speaks wisely: “Tithe if you love Jesus. Anyone can honk.†If that nugget of wisdom holds true, we have to ask, “Do Mormons love Jesus more than other Christians?†An impressive 79 percent of Mormons tithe their income – giving 10 percent to their church, according to a recent article in […]

Tithing = ten percent…of what?
Here’s an amusing, yet insightful, look at what constitutes “tithing.” Click here to watch a YouTube video entitled “Tithing = ten percent…of what?” (Photo by seo_gun used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Testimony of a Tither
I have tithed for many decades, and it has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Although there were always places that the money could go, I never felt that I did not have enough for me and my family. I also felt the need to tell others of my tithing experience. Why am I a tither?

Tithing: A good response?
By the Rev. David Conrad
Thanks is the most wonderful Christian reason for giving throughout the New Testament. For some, thanks is an automatic response to having received something. But when considering all the gifts God gives us, such as grace, forgiveness, love, hope and eternal life, is there any greater response than thanks?