
Listen…Can You Hear Him?
Christ the King Sunday Lectionary Reflection, November 25, 2012
Sometimes it is difficult to hear Jesus amidst all the noise of daily living. Think about it. Maybe this Sunday is a good time to help folks prepare for Advent with some tools to hear Jesus above the din of consumer culture. (Photo © Warren Goldswain –

Last week’s gospel lesson (Mark 6:14-29) has had me thinking about choices and consequences. John the Baptist made the hard choice to be a truth teller and lost his head because of it. Herod Antipas made a silly promise at a dinner party and ended up having to deliver the head of John the Baptist […]

The Truth About Freedom
Reformation Sunday Lectionary Reflection, October 30, 2011
What constitutes real freedom? Jesus has the answer…if only we will listen.
(Photo by cliffjamester used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)