
Take the Stewardship Assessment
How is your congregation doing on stewardship? More importantly, how can you improve? This simple self-assessment from the United Church of Canada can help you identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for future growth. (Photo by Alberto G.: Creative Commons)

Narrative Budgets: Everything You Need to Know!
A narrative budget is a remarkable communications tool to help your congregation understand the significance of their financial gifts, and the ways in which God is changing lives through the mission of your church. Here is a remarkable compilation of articles, examples, videos and webinars that can get your congregation started on a narrative budget. (Photo © Trotzolga –

Best Practices for Year-Round Stewardship
It takes effort to make stewardship a part of your church culture 365 days a year, but here are some wonderful simple tips from the United Church of Canada. (Photo by Philip Chapman-Bell, used by Creative Commons license)

Stewardship Strategy Assessment
How is your congregation doing in its approach to stewardship? This handy diagnostic checklist will help you figure out the things you’re doing right and the things you need to improve. From the United Church of Canada. (Illustration by AJ Cann, used by Creative Commons license)

A Lens of Generosity
Four simple questions — incorporated into your everyday life — can give you “A Lens of Generosity” through which to recognize God at work all around you all the time. From the United Church of Canada, which includes a handy sheet to photocopy and help you spread the practice to everyone. (Photo © David2223, used […]