
Job Description: Stewardship Leader
Does the person who heads up stewardship at your congregation have a good “job description”? Sadly, the answer at many congregations is “no,” and the poor soul who is tasked with stewardship flounders around. This article from the United Methodist Church has some great ideas. (Photo: Kandyjaxx, Creative Commons)

Time and Talent Surveys
When was the last time your congregation asked folks to fill out time and talent surveys? Maybe this fall is a great time to freshen up your records. These sample time and talent surveys — in both PDF or Word format — can help you freshen up your forms as well! From the United Methodist […]

Form a Gift-Acceptance Policy
You never know when your congregation may receive a gift that raises moral, legal or ethical questions, but you can be better prepared if you think through the issues a bit and form a policy. This sample gift-acceptance policy from the United Methodist Church can guide you. (Photo: Asenat29, Creative Commons)

Book Review: Making Grateful Kids
In Making Grateful Kids: The Science of Building Character, Jeffrey J. Froh and Giacomo Bono present a vision of nurturing gratitude that extends from families to society to the world. The challenge us to imaging raising a “Generation G” (G is for Grateful!), says this review, from Rosanna Anderson of the United Methodist Church. (Photo: Barney Moss, Creative Commons)

Sample a GREAT Narrative Budget
A line-item budget puts people to sleep, but a narrative budget energizes people for mission and encourages them to give. Check out this excellent narrative budget brochure from Hixon (Tennessee) United Methodist Church. What can your church do better? (Photo: Sarah Reid, Creative Commons)

Bible Study on Fossil-Fuel Divestment
With the effects of climate growing more severe all the time, some churches are ridding their investment portofolios of fossil fuel stocks. This study guide looks at two Gospel parables and what they may say about divestment. From the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church. (Photo: Trocaire, Creative Commons)

Tithing Flows from Prayer
Ten years ago First United Methodist church in Enderlin, North Dakota, began a process of spiritual renewal that began with prayer but also included a challenge for members to participate in an experiment involving tithing. The result was a renewed spirit and better finances. From the UMC Communications. (Photo © thitimontoyai22 –

Best Practices: Handling Church Offerings
Because not everybody is honest, even in church, congregations ought to have guidelines for handling the offering. Guidelines protect the church, the offering and the counters themselves. Here are some suggested guidelines from the West Ohio Conference, UMC. (Photo © James Steidl –

Stewardship is Rooted in Relationship
The starting point for stewardship is our relationship to God, says Methodist writer Larry Hollon. A vibrant, flourishing life occurs when we are in a right relationship with God and with others. These relationships inform us of our own value and the value of the gift of life, and its meaning and purpose.

Develop Your Church’s Memorial and Honor Giving
The gift planning strategy of a local congregation should be geared to encouraging people to give and to make it easier for them to do so. Honor gifts (donated in the name of living people) and memorial gifts (donated in the name of the deceased) are wonderful vehicles for giving, but many churches fail to make the most of them by having no set policies or sloppy policies on how to handle them. Here are some practical tips. (Photo: Bill McChesney, Creative Commons)