
One for All, All for One

Lectionary Reflection for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 12, 2013. Jesus calls the church, as diverse as we Christians are, to be one. That’s quite a challenge in today’s world, but let’s take it seriously.

Teaching Children to be Generous

Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal that offers good tips for parents in any income bracket who want help their children become generous stewards of time, talent, and resources. (Photo: © Jaren Wicklund –

Four Things You Need to Know about Young Donors

A recent study by the Johnson Center for Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University shows that young donors are much more likely to give to causes than institutions and are less favorably inclined to support religious groups. This is not all bad news according to Nathan Kirkpatrick of Duke Divinity School, who cites four trends […]


Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year C, March 17, 2013
Mary and Judas have a thing or two to teach us about stewardship and trusting in God’s good provision. Which character do you relate to in this strange, short story? (Photo by Wonderlane. Thanks!)

A Gracious Plenty

Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 10, 2013
There’s grace aplenty and a gracious plenty whenever God’s around. Why are we so miserly with all this abundance? This week’s lessons provide much food for thought. (Photo © Joshua Resnick –

Thinking Theologically about Faith & Wealth

Here’s a study guide authored by Carol Johnston inviting participants to consider the theological meaning of wealth by examining literature on Christian practices of giving and stewardship as well as scriptural and cultural understandings of riches. A downloadable PDF document is available. (Photo by pfarrell95. Thanks!)

Putting Words in Your Mouth

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Lectionary Reflection, February 3, 2013

Not unlike Jeremiah, God has put words in the mouths of modern disciples. And like Jesus, speaking those words may not always be the popular thing to do. With love, however, all things are possible. Are you ready to open your mouth and speak? (Photo by Alisha Vargas)

Hunger & Obesity…Two Sides of the Same Problem

Here’s a fine TEDxEast talk by Ellen Gustafson, co-founder of FEED and The Thirty Project. Gustafson’s words bring challenges and much to ponder for all who desire to be good stewards of resources and self. (Photo by erix!. Thanks!)

The Generosity Paradox

Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson have spent the past three years leading a study at the University of Notre Dame entitled “The Science of Generosity Initiative.” Click here to read their findings about the paradoxical benefits of generosity and the sociological science behind them. (Photo: Jason Empey. Thanks!)

Resources for Talking about Money

The Rocket Company offers several free stewardship and preaching resources for pastors including webinars and downloadable documents. Click here to access them. Click here to access their free e-book 39 Things Pastors Need to Know about Money. Photo by Robert Huffstutter. Thanks!