
Wait Wait…Please tell me!

Lectionary Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2012
Advent involves waiting, but do tell the story in a way that invites disciples to live into the countercultural and radical message of the good news. Here are some ideas to begin that conversation. (Image: © –

The Science Behind Giving

Yes, there really is something to encouraging prayer before committing one’s pledge or gift to ministry. Philanthropic Psychologist Jen Shang (Center for Philanthropy at Indiana University) offers some insight into the “how” and “why” of donor decisions to give in this New York Times interview. Click here to read more. (Photo by Lel4nd. Thanks!)

No Time for Fear (or Loathing)

Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, November 18, 2012
In a climate of fear and loathing, how do this week’s lessons speak to us as Christians? What is our response as we walk in the light of God? (Photo © 2010 J. Ronald Lee. Thanks!)

Evaluating Financial Parenting Skills

Check out Trent Hamm’s thoughts on raising financially-fit children, along with a book recommendation to help with the process. Trent has many good financial posts on his website Click here! (Photo by Howard County Library System. Thanks!)

When Less is More

25th Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, November 11, 2012

What if less really is more, especially when we entrust all that we have to God? Do we dare risk life abundant? (Photo by Jarkko Laine)

Open my Eyes and Write on my Heart

22nd Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, October 28,2012
How is God opening your eyes and writing on your heart? What do you see? What do you wish not to see? (Photo by lissalou66. Thanks!)

Let there be…Stuff?

Here’s a six-session faith-based curriculum that helps Christian teenagers explore the relationship between their consumption, their faith, and the health of the planet. It’s a creation of The Story of Stuff Project and GreenFaith and includes a slideshow and plenty of interactive components. Best of all…it’s free to use! (Image Courtesy The Story of Stuff […]

What do you Lack?

20th Sunday after Pentecost, October 14, 2012
Lectionary Reflection
What possessions, what “stuff,” and what intangibles are keeping you from following Jesus’ instructions for discipleship? This is another hard teaching, but it is one that comes with a promise. Photo: © dimdimich –

Tithing with Justice

Here’s a thoughtful article by Chris Haw about the biblical practice of tithing and its relationship to justice. Posted on the Two Cents blog, you are invited to join the conversation. (Photo by SAiM)

A Righteous Harvest

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection
September 23, 2012

Just as the effort of the grower and pickers is reflected in the bins of lovely, fragrant fruit, so are the works of our life reflected in the fruits of our deeds and the growth of our faith. How’s the harvest coming along in the orchard of your faith community? (Photo by AlicePopkorn, Creative Commons License)

  • September 19
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