
Personal Finance Workshop
Help get your own finances in order, or lead a group in your congregation, with this handy, free four-session workshop on personal finances. The resource will guide your self-study or small-group session. Helpful video, too! From the Disciples of Christ’s Center for Faith and Giving. (Photo © mangostock –

The Hows and Whys of Money Leadership
Here’s a free, seven-part curriculum for leaders who want to plumb the depths of their congregation’s financial soul.

J. Clif Christopher Stewardship Workshop
Here is a wonderful stewardship workshop that J. Clif Christopher, author of “Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate” and many other books, recently led for the United Methodist Foundation for the Tennessee and Memphis conferences of the United Methodist Church. The whole workshop is posted in four parts for your watching, and there’s an accompanying guidebook for free download. Wow! (Photo © xy –

Stewardship as a Lifestyle
The biblical call to stewardship will lead us to foster quality of life. The quality of life that is measured only by material goods and economic factors is incomplete. Total quality of life must include the health and stability of the natural world, relative justice and peace for people, and the free and true worship of God Almighty. It is on this basis, on this biblical vision, that Christians are motivated to respond to ecological crises.”